A stage, especially at one end of a room, on which people stand to make speeches to an audience;the group of people, usually high school or college students, in charge of a Model UN committee.
Officially, the Dais is the table upfront behind which the Chair sits. Practically, the Dais denotes also the Chair and the staff of the Committee. Any concerns related to the proceedings of the Committee you may have, you should address to the Dais. Same goes for notes to the Chair, or resolutions/amendments you want approved.
Dais字義上即是主席前方的講臺或講桌。在模聯會議中,the Dais實際上也指稱主席本人及委員會全體行政人員。在會議中遇到任何困難,與會者都應向"講臺"上的主席和工作人員求助。傳紙條、呈遞草擬的決議文或修正案等文件,同樣需要the Dais的批准才有效力。
歷史: (貼自wikipedia)
"Historically, the dais was a part of the floor at the end of a medieval hall, raised a step above the rest of the room. On this the lord of the manor dined with his friends at the high table, apart from the retainers and servants. In medieval halls there was generally a deep recessed bay window at one or at each end of the dais, supposed to be for retirement or greater privacy than the open hall could afford."
At the beginning of the first committee session, the Dais will take roll.
Delegates may add their names on the speaker's list by sending a note to the Dais.
A stage, especially at one end of a room, on which people stand to make speeches to an audience;the group of people, usually high school or college students, in charge of a Model UN committee.
Officially, the Dais is the table upfront behind which the Chair sits. Practically, the Dais denotes also the Chair and the staff of the Committee. Any concerns related to the proceedings of the Committee you may have, you should address to the Dais. Same goes for notes to the Chair, or resolutions/amendments you want approved.
Dais字義上即是主席前方的講臺或講桌。在模聯會議中,the Dais實際上也指稱主席本人及委員會全體行政人員。在會議中遇到任何困難,與會者都應向"講臺"上的主席和工作人員求助。傳紙條、呈遞草擬的決議文或修正案等文件,同樣需要the Dais的批准才有效力。
歷史: (貼自wikipedia)
"Historically, the dais was a part of the floor at the end of a medieval hall, raised a step above the rest of the room. On this the lord of the manor dined with his friends at the high table, apart from the retainers and servants. In medieval halls there was generally a deep recessed bay window at one or at each end of the dais, supposed to be for retirement or greater privacy than the open hall could afford."
At the beginning of the first committee session, the Dais will take roll.
Delegates may add their names on the speaker's list by sending a note to the Dais.