A small hammer used by a person in charge of a meeting or an auction, or by a judge in a court of law, in order to get people's attention.
A gavel is a respected tool in a MUN conference. The little hammer, either made of vintage wood or modern plastic, has the greatest say in the conference. It is used by the Chair to call for order and make announcements. One of the most exciting moments of a conference is when the Chair officially announces the floor open or closed with a solemn bang.
Many conferences give the gavel used in a committee to the delegate recognized by the dais as the best in that committee; therefore, the term is frequently used to refer to the award given to the best delegate, even in cases where no actual gavel is given.
A chair orders the debating delegates to be silent, while banging a gavel.
The gravel is a symbol of the authority and right to act officially in the capacity of a chair or presiding officer.