Social Event [N.]
(photo of WorldMUN2009, The Hague, link here)

(photo of WorldMUN2007, Switzerland)
字義:An event of social entertainment, mostly at night; exciting activities where people gather and meet, often accompanied by music and dances and filled with laughter.
Social events are the important flavors of MUN. From the view of participating delegates, being bombarded with conference debates during the daytime, as is the case with real diplomats, delegates must to rest their mind at night. Social events well serve this need. At night, MUN delegates are given a taste of culture performances and decorations, delicate local cuisines, the smashing music and endless dances. Putting aside the serious issues, delegates meet fellow delegates, either allies or opponents, dressed up in the mood for entertainment. Through free talk and the exchanges of laughter, surprising undertable agreements absent in formal sessions can be easily reached. From the viewpoint of the Host Team, social events are the chances to showcase features of the Host City. In the case of WorldMUN2010, a series of events will be exquisitely designed to highlight Taipei, Taiwan.
社交晚宴在模聯會議佔有舉足輕重的地位。以代表的觀點來看,經歷一整天會議的疲累轟炸,一同外交官,代表們需要讓腦筋在晚上歇息片刻。社交活動正是他們所需 要的!代表們在整晚的社交晚宴活動中,享受異國風情、體驗地主城市的精緻美食、狂亂的音樂和無盡的舞蹈!撇開嚴肅的議題,代表們在晚上可以見到其他代表穿 著和早上完全不同的服飾,並且有著完全不同的舉止。不論早上會議中是敵是友,他們會一起舞動、一起笑鬧一起狂歡!除此之外,正式議程中無法達成的協議在輕 鬆的晚上活動中也常常能達成。從地主團隊的角度來看,社交晚宴活動是展示地主城市的時刻。2010年世界模擬聯合國會議合辦團隊將精心準備一系列活動,讓 夜晚的模聯,充滿台北之美!
例句:What’s the social event for tonight?
Maybe we should talk to the delegate of Sweden at the social event tonight. The cheerful atmosphere might help us to persuade her.