[N.] An important topic that people are discussing or arguing about.
[V.] To make something known formally (officially)
What do MUN delegates gather for? All of these country representatives assemble to discuss on international issues: MUNers do research, discuss and debate on pressing international issues and resolve to work out a Resolution. Materials and textbooks arrive at us at school after a long period of research, editing and publishing. We live in a rapidly changing world; we must engage ourselves into international affairs to keep up with its pace. This is what MUN seeks to do: to prepare students with a sense of global citizenship.
模聯各國代表湊在一塊討論些什麼呢? 當然是國際議題囉! 模聯的一大元素就是國際議題 - 我們查資料、討論、爭辯重大國際議題,嘗試寫出一份決議文。我們平日學習的教科書是歷經時間扁纂刊印的。世界是瞬息萬變的,我們要學習跟上世界的思維和腳步,多多關心國際時事。這就是模聯的目標之一: 培養世界公民的精神。
major issue 主要議題
side issue 次要議題
In a MUN conference, delegates raise a controversial issue for debate and strive to resolve the problem.
Don't confuse the issue.
"The media reports of Swine Flu seem to increase even as the issue of health care reforms seems to stay solidly on the front burner." [quote]
"The World Health Organization (WHO) recently [issued] surveillance and status updates for regions where the pandemic H1N1 is just gaining a foothold, including the Mideast, Africa, and parts of Asia and the Pacific, which showed Southeast Asia as the hardest hit of those areas." [quote]
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