National Taiwan University Model United Nations (NTUMUN) won the bid to host the 2010 World Model United Nations Conference (a.k.a. WorldMUN) in Taipei in March 2010
May 2009, the National Taiwan University Model United Nations (NTUMUN) won the bid to host the 2010 World Model United Nations Conference (a.k.a. WorldMUN) in Taipei in March 2010. Taipei stood out from eight bidding cities with its animated Asian culture blend and its confidence to bring Asia to the center stage. With a culture aim and the aspire to elevate the visibility of Taiwan, the host team will be welcoming more than 2,000 distinguished students from over 50 countries and 200 universities.
The prestigious WorldMUN is one of the most anticipated student events around the world. Established by Harvard in 1992, the WorldMUN distinguishes itself as a highly popular simulation of the United Nations (UN) Conference. Each year, a different city wins the bid to host WorldMUN with Harvard University. Past host cities include Athens, Edinburgh, Istanbul, Mexico, Belo Horizonte, Sharm El-Sheikh, etc, covering more than four continents of the world. The cooperation between Harvard University and host cities is often viewed as a chance to facilitate regional integration and promote Model UN activities.
NTU students were the first of Asian to participate in WorldMUN. Since its first entry in 1994, the inspired NTU delegation not only returned and created the NTUMUN student organization but continues to participate in the yearly event around the globe. These passionate NTU students call themselves “MUNers” and have been endeavoring to bring WorldMUN to Taipei. After years of unsuccessful bids, WorldMUN finally falls into hands of the NTUMUN — a long waited dream come true.
“Though frustrated from countless failed bids, our will to bid has been sustained by hearty support from the NTUMUN alumna. We strive to engage more Taiwanese students into the international pool, and through Model UN, to promote the global citizen ideal. It is our wish to really put Taiwan on the map” added Jason Hou, president of the WorldMUN2010 Host Team.
This time, the NTU host team pledges to attract new faces into the field of model UN activities. The five-day model conference grants students the chance to represent as diplomats and draft up Resolutions on hot issues through negotiation and fierce debate. Simulated UN Rules of Procedure in order on the conference table creates a unique environment. Off table, culture flavored social events — the Global Village, the Lunar Year Night, the Cabaret, the Master Night, the Farewell Party — ignites new excitement. Taipei, with its culture blend between modern and traditions will offer new participants a taste of its renowned gourmet and beauty.
With this aim, the NTU Host Team came up with an impressive logo. Designed by NTU student Chia-Wei Yang, the logo for WorldMUN 2010 in Taipei is a butterfly. The inspiration was from the island of Taiwan herself. In the 1960s, Taiwan was known as the Butterfly Kingdom in the world in terms of the number of butterfly species and output per unit area. Over 400 species of butterflies call Taiwan their home now, including some endemic species. Chia-Wei Yan visualized the host team’s idea to bring the historical significance of butterflies to the picture. The right side of the butterfly is similar to the shape of Taiwan; the left is also Taiwan, but flipped horizontally. The bright colors on the wings represent the liveliness of Taipei and also the WorldMUN spirit. Even the antennae was designed as “2010. ” The breathtaking logo marks the first step to the NTU Host Team’s success.
Updates about the event and the recruiting plan will be released in September, 2009. If you are interested about the event or have any questions, feel free to visit the NTU Host Team’s blog at http://worldmun2010.blogspot.com/